OK, so a lot of problems with my bottom bracket were solved today when a nice chap at BLB gave me a shorter cup I could install on the left hand side. The one supplied with my Sugino cartridge BB was too deep/long so it stuck out from the shell about 8 mm or so. This gave me all sorts of problems; having to center the BB with a few mill sticking out each side, the BB unscrewing itself when used, having the cups scraping against the cranks etc etc.
I had bought a 103 as that is the width of my BB shell, but I was unaware that the size of the cups matter. How can I avoid this problem when I buy my next BB? (Which is definitely going to be a spindle btw.)
OK, so a lot of problems with my bottom bracket were solved today when a nice chap at BLB gave me a shorter cup I could install on the left hand side. The one supplied with my Sugino cartridge BB was too deep/long so it stuck out from the shell about 8 mm or so. This gave me all sorts of problems; having to center the BB with a few mill sticking out each side, the BB unscrewing itself when used, having the cups scraping against the cranks etc etc.
I had bought a 103 as that is the width of my BB shell, but I was unaware that the size of the cups matter. How can I avoid this problem when I buy my next BB? (Which is definitely going to be a spindle btw.)