• #27
Massive generalisation and from personal experience completely untrue.
Hmmm. I took black cabs to and from work, every day for 2 months whilst I had a broken leg and sadly, I'd say a solid 85% of them are scumbags. It was very depressing.
• #28
Did you really work that out or was it the few idiots you encountered really stuck in your mind and thus you overlooked and forgot about the general pleasant one's? I'm not having a dig, I just think this is generally the case. Just the few occasions black cabs do something stupid it is only those occasions I remember and not the times they've held back or let me pull out or indeed taken me home with sick down my top.
• #29
taken me home with sick down my top.
• #30
Rivers of blood!
• #31
Did you really work that out or was it the few idiots you encountered really stuck in your mind and thus you overlooked and forgot about the general pleasant one's? I'm not having a dig, I just think this is generally the case. Just the few occasions black cabs do something stupid it is only those occasions I remember and not the times they've held back or let me pull out or indeed taken me home with sick down my top.
Sadly I remember the pleasant ones as rare exceptions. As a rule they were a pretty bigoted lot and I was most happy when I regained enough mobility that I didn't need to use them.
• #32
Fair enough. I did punch the window of a black cab last week for nearly crushing me, he was vexed.
• #33
Hmmm. I took black cabs to and from work, every day for 2 months whilst I had a broken leg and sadly, I'd say a solid 85% of them are scumbags. It was very depressing.
I've taken one on average a couple of times a week in London over the past 2 to 3 years (work related) and have only ever come across 2 characters that stick in my mind as being genuinely odious. One guy started with some racist diatribe and I simply told him I disagreed with him, wasn't interested in debating it, and could he please just drive me to my destination. This was an isolated incident and he could easily have just been some arse in a pub.
I met a couple of actors as well (one played a gay guy in Eastenders years ago, can't remember his name) who were very nice people, also a writer and a song-writer. The thing that they liked about cabbing was they could fit it around their other jobs, acting, writing, etc. Generally speaking I've met some really nice people and had some great conversations.
• #34
Sweet, if they're all on Oxford street my ride along Euston Road might pass by for once without a single black cab 'buzzing'.
Sarcasm? I can't be sure... :/
• #35
Cab Drivers are just like people and come in two varieties;
Good and Bad. -
• #36
Cab Drivers are
just likepeople and come in two varieties;
Good and Bad.Defusive statement with underhand unnecessary dig?
• #37
*Driver Proposal 5
That TfL introduces a condition in private hire drivers’ licenses that ‘Drivers must not make any remark of a sexual nature to a passenger. Licensed drivers are not permitted to become involved sexually, or have sexual contact, even with consent, whilst in a licensed vehicle.’*
Oh gee guys... Are you sure? We wouldn't want to cramp your style with some stupid old laws..
Streuth! -
• #38
black cabs drive better than those displaying the blue circle of death
True 'dat, the Blue Circle seems to stop many a-driver using their nearside mirror, but that's just my experience of the last 48 hours or so.
• #39
Fuck Taxis.
• #40
I met a couple of actors as well (one played a gay guy in Eastenders years ago, can't remember his name) who were very nice people, also a writer and a song-writer.
Eastenders actor was Gary Hailes..... how come I know that, and can't remember what I did at the weekend, Heaven only knows....
• #41
did anyone actually see the demo? i work in town but couldn't get up to there. would've been cool to see some pictures.
• #42
Looks pretty boring
No burnt out Toyota Avensises, no placards and shouting - just loads of taxis blocking the street - business as usual.
• #43
The minicabs gather at a bus bay in Whitcomb Street, Leicester Square, from Thursdays through to Saturdays between 2100 GMT and 0400 GMT.
Marshalls guide people to a booking booth where they pay for their ride and are then guided to the minicab.
Black cab drivers said they would seek a judicial review of the scheme.
Cry more you little shits. This is just about outright protectionism.
If they don't like it they can go on strike. Oh wait, they wouldn't be missed. So instead they block up the roads and fuck over everyone. Arrest the lot of them and revoke their driving licenses. Cunts.
• #44
At critical mass, some kids hold their bikes above their heads.
I'd love to see the cabbie bloaters try that with their vehicles.
• #45
"At the time it was obvious to London Licenced Taxi Drivers that this was a poorly thought out idea especially in the light of the failed terrorist attack at Tiger Tiger night club on The Haymarket."
What the fucking fuck are these guys on about??
Whoever came up with the copy for that web page needs a fucking kickin... Rapists, Terrorists... get to fuck.
• #46
I like black cabbies though. Always good for a chat.
• #47
The only time I take 'em is for work and I'll be talking shop, or, I'm so fucking wankered I wouldn't know if they're even speaking English.
• #48
I talk about the ways of the world.
• #49
When you feel the need, as I did, to compliment a (black) cab driver on not driving like a cunt then well. something's not right.
The guy gave me plenty of space, had the opportunity to get ahead but would have had to cut me up and chose not to and was generally a great driver.
The unfortunate thing was that such behaviour stood out... -
• #50
Blatant protectionism wrapped in cries of defending against rape and terrorism. Lovely.
Maybe I'm in a bad mood with taxis after watching one trying to knock a cyclist off the road this morning, screaming at him to 'get out of the middle of the road' (edited for obscenities). He (and I) were doing 40kph coming up to a traffic light at the time. The cab driver barged his way past only to immediately have to stop, so we could all have a good shout at each other.
I'm only doing what following their lead of "immigrants taking English peoples' jobs" speech!
A former very good friend of mine does this for a living. His attitude and opinion changed the day he started riding his poxy step-through C100 scooter. But said that my girlfriend (who moved here from Spain a decade ago) "was alright, 'cos she's a nice girl"
He's been doing it for eight years and has the cheek to say "it's not like it was" and "I blame Livingstone" and utter crap like that. What's alarming is that he thinks he's part of some elite group of people - much like the masons who seem to think their opinions are worth something too.