Hmmm. I took black cabs to and from work, every day for 2 months whilst I had a broken leg and sadly, I'd say a solid 85% of them are scumbags. It was very depressing.
I've taken one on average a couple of times a week in London over the past 2 to 3 years (work related) and have only ever come across 2 characters that stick in my mind as being genuinely odious. One guy started with some racist diatribe and I simply told him I disagreed with him, wasn't interested in debating it, and could he please just drive me to my destination. This was an isolated incident and he could easily have just been some arse in a pub.
I met a couple of actors as well (one played a gay guy in Eastenders years ago, can't remember his name) who were very nice people, also a writer and a song-writer. The thing that they liked about cabbing was they could fit it around their other jobs, acting, writing, etc. Generally speaking I've met some really nice people and had some great conversations.
I've taken one on average a couple of times a week in London over the past 2 to 3 years (work related) and have only ever come across 2 characters that stick in my mind as being genuinely odious. One guy started with some racist diatribe and I simply told him I disagreed with him, wasn't interested in debating it, and could he please just drive me to my destination. This was an isolated incident and he could easily have just been some arse in a pub.
I met a couple of actors as well (one played a gay guy in Eastenders years ago, can't remember his name) who were very nice people, also a writer and a song-writer. The thing that they liked about cabbing was they could fit it around their other jobs, acting, writing, etc. Generally speaking I've met some really nice people and had some great conversations.