That lock looks rather flimsy to me. The plastic casing looks incredibly vulnerable.
Yes, get a Fahg Mini, or any of the 16mm minimum locks from the list on page one. A Fahg Mini is truly the toughest, but its so short, that it is a SECONDARY lock, IMO. Far better to get a bigger lock and lock more of the bike in one go. Leave no gaps, and it will be very secure.
That lock looks rather flimsy to me. The plastic casing looks incredibly vulnerable.
Yes, get a Fahg Mini, or any of the 16mm minimum locks from the list on page one. A Fahg Mini is truly the toughest, but its so short, that it is a SECONDARY lock, IMO. Far better to get a bigger lock and lock more of the bike in one go. Leave no gaps, and it will be very secure.