So 33 quid to have a shower and get changed. Extra to hire a locker and extra for bike parking. And I'd guess spinning classes would be extra as well.. It looked so promising for a while..
Yeah wtf - I don't want to piss around with 'optional extras' . I want the whole thing in one lump and I want that lump to be no more than the cost of a normal gym membership.
I made the mistake of including my signature in an email request for details and promptly got a irritating sales call trying to upsell me to a 'company rate' or something. I only wanted to know how much it would be for me.
Yeah wtf - I don't want to piss around with 'optional extras' . I want the whole thing in one lump and I want that lump to be no more than the cost of a normal gym membership.
I made the mistake of including my signature in an email request for details and promptly got a irritating sales call trying to upsell me to a 'company rate' or something. I only wanted to know how much it would be for me.