before you splash the cash on that badboy have a look at this from bikeguide:
(you may not be able to see it without being signed in thoguh)
the guy is sound and ive done plenty of deals with him. he only wants 400 quid for it and its all top of the range stuff. the deployer you are looking at it a good few years old now and its gona be pretty heavy.
im not sure how much you know about bmx but this one is a hell of a load better than the deployer. not saying the deployer is bad but this is just a mega bargain. link to the bikecheck with all the pics. again you will probably have to sign up but its worth it. just pm the guy about it.
before you splash the cash on that badboy have a look at this from bikeguide:
(you may not be able to see it without being signed in thoguh)
the guy is sound and ive done plenty of deals with him. he only wants 400 quid for it and its all top of the range stuff. the deployer you are looking at it a good few years old now and its gona be pretty heavy.
im not sure how much you know about bmx but this one is a hell of a load better than the deployer. not saying the deployer is bad but this is just a mega bargain. link to the bikecheck with all the pics. again you will probably have to sign up but its worth it. just pm the guy about it.