Bit of a random classified I'm putting out there today but thought this might be ideal for someone from the forum who's also keen on mountain biking.
We've got this iPhone app - Bike Doctor. I setup the app with 20 or so repairs around all the common stuff - replacing brake pads, punctures etc. Apparently the apps been a bit of a hit with mountain bikers and I've been getting lots of requests for mountain bike repairs. Problem is that's not an area of personal expertise. So I'm looking for someone who does have experience in that area to demonstrate the repair on their bike and write some instructions for others to follow.
We basically need two repairs:
Replacing hydraulic disc brake pads
Bleeding hydraulic disk brakes
I'm happy to pay someone with experience in that area £45 (bank transfer/paypal) to take pics of each step of the repair and write a description for someone else to follow about how to do it.
If you've got experience in those two repairs and would feel comfortable writing down your knowledge for others to follow to repair their own bike then PM me and we can sort out the details.
Any questions happy to answer via PM or on this thread.
Hey guys!
Bit of a random classified I'm putting out there today but thought this might be ideal for someone from the forum who's also keen on mountain biking.
We've got this iPhone app - Bike Doctor. I setup the app with 20 or so repairs around all the common stuff - replacing brake pads, punctures etc. Apparently the apps been a bit of a hit with mountain bikers and I've been getting lots of requests for mountain bike repairs. Problem is that's not an area of personal expertise. So I'm looking for someone who does have experience in that area to demonstrate the repair on their bike and write some instructions for others to follow.
We basically need two repairs:
I'm happy to pay someone with experience in that area £45 (bank transfer/paypal) to take pics of each step of the repair and write a description for someone else to follow about how to do it.
If you've got experience in those two repairs and would feel comfortable writing down your knowledge for others to follow to repair their own bike then PM me and we can sort out the details.
Any questions happy to answer via PM or on this thread.