Firstly, I value life, not only of mine but also of others. Secondly, I rode fix since I was 12 on a BMX . Being skint back then, fixed meant welding a cog onto a conventional hub instead of a lockring. Challenge bla bla bla... Not interested, I merely highlighted the danger of Andy's action and to some extent he agrees it was a "calculated" risk. Before you dare me on anything else, I don't track stand nor do I skid to impress.
Firstly, I value life, not only of mine but also of others. Secondly, I rode fix since I was 12 on a BMX . Being skint back then, fixed meant welding a cog onto a conventional hub instead of a lockring. Challenge bla bla bla... Not interested, I merely highlighted the danger of Andy's action and to some extent he agrees it was a "calculated" risk. Before you dare me on anything else, I don't track stand nor do I skid to impress.