Due to a boiler explosion in my building its been quite a day for my poor little cat, she experienced an evacuation, hail, a dog carrier, the subway, my studio, my shop and my girlfriends apartment where she has spent the last two hours making sure no one sleeps.
we still aren't allowed back in so she's going to kitty daycare tomorrow.
I learned a lot today about my cat, mostly she doesn't like hail, dog carriers, the subway, my studio, my shop or my girlfriends apartment.
how do I make her not hate me after this ordeal...
I learned a lot about NYC, Chinese landlords are not the best at maintaining their building, people give you really weird looks when your carrying a cat on the subway, there is kitty day care and every one at the Department of Housing is a total incompetent moron with out exception.
Due to a boiler explosion in my building its been quite a day for my poor little cat, she experienced an evacuation, hail, a dog carrier, the subway, my studio, my shop and my girlfriends apartment where she has spent the last two hours making sure no one sleeps.
we still aren't allowed back in so she's going to kitty daycare tomorrow.
I learned a lot today about my cat, mostly she doesn't like hail, dog carriers, the subway, my studio, my shop or my girlfriends apartment.
how do I make her not hate me after this ordeal...
I learned a lot about NYC, Chinese landlords are not the best at maintaining their building, people give you really weird looks when your carrying a cat on the subway, there is kitty day care and every one at the Department of Housing is a total incompetent moron with out exception.