• #1127
Awesome!! Thanks all for playing nice and not spanking the polo virgin.Got a lift back as far as Saltdean which was pretty helpful. Subject to getting my chainset sorted this week, I'm already planning to come along again next Sunday.
• #1128
Great to have you there captain. You were very very good, hard to believe it was your first time!
• #1129
Okay well i have no re-collection of posting that last comment unless it was sean on my account but yes danny i can drop that stem to you whenever. Unless i bring it along with me thursday?
• #1130
Back in town after a nice sojourn in Paris, ready to have you're arses handed to you on wed/thurs ladies :)
• #1131
That sounds suspiciously like trash talk Ju. We all know what happens to trash talkers now, don't we?
• #1132
is it just me or does it get dark around 5 15? where abouts is polo now?
• #1133
5:30pm at the NCP underground car park in Regency Square.
I have mallets and ball.
• #1134
Polo next week-end?
I might come to Brighton for the day. Hopefully with my rebuilt polo bike, if I get spokes in time. SPA cycles is SO unreliable, not a good image for a touring specialist! -
• #1135
Sunday looks sunny! What time do we start?
Will be my final polo game in this prescious country of yours for a while. Judging from the weather back home, will be my final polo game for some months.
• #1136
Noooo, Eetu don't leave us!!
2pm, maybe earlier at Preston Park tomorrow. Weather permitting.
• #1137
2pm is ok with me. Will be there.
• #1138
I'll be there.
• #1139
Lovely weather for it :)
• #1140
Polo polo polo! 2pm Preston Park Courts!
• #1141
Great session, nice one for turning up everyone! 6 vs 6 was intense! Roll on Thursday!
• #1142
Some pictures from today
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=15705&id=1758589508&l=4f99aafcac -
• #1143
Nice pics Eetu.
Great session today, felt like a summer session only bitingly cold and with loads of leaves about...
• #1144
Super good fun today, even whilst wasted!! Kudos to DiceFace for the 6 on 6 chaos!!! Tarner Land here we come!!
• #1145
Mallet built. Bring it!!
• #1146
if everyo ne is game for polo tonite tarner is out of the question as the lights have been turnwed off till nxt week for repairs. but maybe hit up the car park for a while? let me know people
Liam -
• #1147
I'm game, hopefully we wont get a kick out so early on this time..
• #1148
is anyone on for polo or is it a wash out?
• #1149
Polo is happening. 5:30 at the car park.
• #1150
Super schwet!
In like Flynn. Just gonna have a spot of lunch then I'll come up to the park for about 2.