That ^ is a chemical process that uses mostly de-ionised water, difeferent to vacum chroming, the finish is ruined as soon as anything touches it.
You can seal it with 2 pac lacquer, but it takes away the shine, and leaves th finish quite dull.... i think this is the process they use on the stupid fully chromed cars... not sure how they seal it on the cars though.
only good for stuff that doesnt really get handled too much. would last about 5 minutes on a wheel.
That ^ is a chemical process that uses mostly de-ionised water, difeferent to vacum chroming, the finish is ruined as soon as anything touches it.
You can seal it with 2 pac lacquer, but it takes away the shine, and leaves th finish quite dull.... i think this is the process they use on the stupid fully chromed cars... not sure how they seal it on the cars though.
only good for stuff that doesnt really get handled too much. would last about 5 minutes on a wheel.