has one of the lugs got a thread in it? if so, remove the bolt and put it in from the other side. insert a flat bit of metal in the gap (large washer/blade of screw driver or similar) and tighten the bolt onto it so that as you do the bolt up it pushes the other side out. using this method is less stressfull on the paintwork but only possibleif the lug has a thread... hope that makes sense.
has one of the lugs got a thread in it? if so, remove the bolt and put it in from the other side. insert a flat bit of metal in the gap (large washer/blade of screw driver or similar) and tighten the bolt onto it so that as you do the bolt up it pushes the other side out. using this method is less stressfull on the paintwork but only possibleif the lug has a thread... hope that makes sense.