Riding along and hit a small bump in the road. Luckily my balls escaped any damage from the sheared seatpost. One advantage of keeping a short seatpost :-) Rolls slightly scuffed :-(
The seatpost and frame is from my 26 year old peugeot, past 5 years in fixed mode, so its done its time.
This happened about 3 miles from my destination, and boy was it hard trying to ride fixed without a saddle. A serious workout for the calves, and strange looks from other peds/cyclists/drivers. They must think its the latest rage.
On the hunt for another french sized seatpost, or will have to settle for a coke can shimmy job.
Riding along and hit a small bump in the road. Luckily my balls escaped any damage from the sheared seatpost. One advantage of keeping a short seatpost :-) Rolls slightly scuffed :-(
The seatpost and frame is from my 26 year old peugeot, past 5 years in fixed mode, so its done its time.
This happened about 3 miles from my destination, and boy was it hard trying to ride fixed without a saddle. A serious workout for the calves, and strange looks from other peds/cyclists/drivers. They must think its the latest rage.
On the hunt for another french sized seatpost, or will have to settle for a coke can shimmy job.