I object to the 'desensitized' nature of modern relations. Witness personal-injury lawyer adverts on TV - encouragingly they reassure us that 'we're real lawyers', so says the bloke that used to be in Eastenders. I should bloody well hope so. Lawyers should sit in offices, not call-centres. I have even less faith in enterprises like this. The medium doesn't suit the message - knotty and tangled. No doubt it will do very well.
Well, since you asked...no.
I object to the 'desensitized' nature of modern relations. Witness personal-injury lawyer adverts on TV - encouragingly they reassure us that 'we're real lawyers', so says the bloke that used to be in Eastenders. I should bloody well hope so. Lawyers should sit in offices, not call-centres. I have even less faith in enterprises like this. The medium doesn't suit the message - knotty and tangled. No doubt it will do very well.