There are a few old school ones on the Barts/Old Baily side of Smithfield. Can't recomend a specific one tho as it's been a while.
Otherwise there's one just oposite the Old Baily, which I think has a bit of a selection called the Viaduct, to ML/BoA.
EDIT: oh yeah... what he ^ said. But whatever you do don't be tempted to buy the organic versions. They basically just taste a bit shitter, sort of like they've been served in an unwashed glass.
Can anyone tell me why most of the cycling shoes on ebay are Diadora?
There are a few old school ones on the Barts/Old Baily side of Smithfield. Can't recomend a specific one tho as it's been a while.
Otherwise there's one just oposite the Old Baily, which I think has a bit of a selection called the Viaduct, to ML/BoA.
EDIT: oh yeah... what he ^ said. But whatever you do don't be tempted to buy the organic versions. They basically just taste a bit shitter, sort of like they've been served in an unwashed glass.
Can anyone tell me why most of the cycling shoes on ebay are Diadora?