That's for a fuul bike fit. To chat about what you need, what's going wrong now and what you would like to acheive from your future bike is £55. It's not cheap for a conversation but it can save you a forune in different stems, set ups and a lot of back and neck pain. He will measure you up properly and has a adjsutable frame their to assist with sizing and positioning ect.
How tall are you? What's your inside leg measurement?
That's for a fuul bike fit. To chat about what you need, what's going wrong now and what you would like to acheive from your future bike is £55. It's not cheap for a conversation but it can save you a forune in different stems, set ups and a lot of back and neck pain. He will measure you up properly and has a adjsutable frame their to assist with sizing and positioning ect.
How tall are you? What's your inside leg measurement?