"The dispersants are being added to the water and are causing chemical compounds to become water soluble, which is then given off into the air, so it is coming down as rain"
Now, I'm no Nobel prize-winner, but that strikes me as bullshit.
You can dissolve whatever the fuck you like in water and when you evaporate the water off, you tend to be left with exactly what you dissolved.
Anyone who ever grew copper sulphate crystals at school knows that.
Unless the dispersants are volatile and/or the compounds they make with the oil are volatile (both quite possible I suppose), all the shitty stuff will be staying well and truly in the sea to either float, sink or be washed ashore, no?
Now, I'm no Nobel prize-winner, but that strikes me as bullshit.
You can dissolve whatever the fuck you like in water and when you evaporate the water off, you tend to be left with exactly what you dissolved.
Anyone who ever grew copper sulphate crystals at school knows that.
Unless the dispersants are volatile and/or the compounds they make with the oil are volatile (both quite possible I suppose), all the shitty stuff will be staying well and truly in the sea to either float, sink or be washed ashore, no?
Any Chemists in the house?