Looking at the LED lights in the shops it's amazing how much they've improved in a few years... so I've decided to upgrade.
Strangely, some really excellent rear lights have come down in price by nealy 50%. And these are the 2010-2011 models.
And just as its getting darker as well. Peculiar.
Great stuff. I like the side-visibility of the RSP Urbans so going with those.
Has anyone got a Smart Lunar front light? I'm wondering if a 2 watt LED could be enough for country roads, otherwise I'm looking at the Electron EHP400 Terra 1. Mostly I cycle in town but I'd like to be able to get out to villages in the wintertime occasionally. All the different ways of rating the lights really confuse me, but I'll assume the RSP Steradian "ultimate front light for urban use" won't cut it.
ALso thinking about fitting Reelights for permanent secondaries.
Looking at the LED lights in the shops it's amazing how much they've improved in a few years... so I've decided to upgrade.
Great stuff. I like the side-visibility of the RSP Urbans so going with those.
Has anyone got a Smart Lunar front light? I'm wondering if a 2 watt LED could be enough for country roads, otherwise I'm looking at the Electron EHP400 Terra 1. Mostly I cycle in town but I'd like to be able to get out to villages in the wintertime occasionally. All the different ways of rating the lights really confuse me, but I'll assume the RSP Steradian "ultimate front light for urban use" won't cut it.
ALso thinking about fitting Reelights for permanent secondaries.