Could you not just get third party fire and theft? Or do they not do that now?
Could the OP look at limited mileage? If you use the bike all the time you can't use the car that much?
My car is group 18, first years insurance was £800, that was with no NCB.
This year it was £450 with 2 years NCB, every time I have had to shop around though as if you let the company roll it over they'll knock £20 off if you are lucky.
My excess is £1,000, which (the contact centre girl cheerfully informed me) is £250 more than the book value of the car, so if it lost a wing mirror it would be a right off.
Therefore the only reason I have insurance is because I might hit someone/thing.
It's no use to me for any other reason- apart from being a legal requirement obviously.
Could you not just get third party fire and theft? Or do they not do that now?
Could the OP look at limited mileage? If you use the bike all the time you can't use the car that much?