Brilliant film, mostly follows HTC and Cav. Rold Aldag and Brian Holm who run the team are a cracking double act. Some good interviews with Jens Voigt who is fucking superb. Plenty of footage of Hincapie moaning like fuck.
Q&A after was very good, Cavendish almost seized up with nerves. Liggett voices over the film and compared the Q&A superbly.
Brilliant film, mostly follows HTC and Cav. Rold Aldag and Brian Holm who run the team are a cracking double act. Some good interviews with Jens Voigt who is fucking superb. Plenty of footage of Hincapie moaning like fuck.
Q&A after was very good, Cavendish almost seized up with nerves. Liggett voices over the film and compared the Q&A superbly.
Well worth
downloadingpre-ordering the DVD.