If you are using the same stem that previously had drop bars on, using bulls puts your position further forward therefore you may be stretching forward too much and putting strain on your wrists and shoulders.
Can you get access to a shorter stem?
I remember reading that if you convert from drops to bullhorns you want to shorten the stem by approx 20mm to get a comfortable riding position.
When I changed to bullhorns on my Fuji track with a 110mm stem I had to angle the bullhorns up quite a lot until I changed the stem to 90mm, and I now have the bullhorns only just up from the horizontal. Looks and feels better.
I remember reading that if you convert from drops to bullhorns you want to shorten the stem by approx 20mm to get a comfortable riding position.
When I changed to bullhorns on my Fuji track with a 110mm stem I had to angle the bullhorns up quite a lot until I changed the stem to 90mm, and I now have the bullhorns only just up from the horizontal. Looks and feels better.