• #1852
why don't they just use horses for pulling the gun carriages ?
seems stupid to use 20 blokes when 2 horses would suffice
no wonder were not doing very well in afghanistanThey are from the Navy. Good luck getting ships into Afghanistan.
• #1853
• #1854
vs Blender[/ame]Will it blend? That is the question...
• #1856
My friends dad had to have the same thing done.
• #1857
Worth watching the video all te way through. Awesome.
• #1858
why didn't he drink the iPAD smoothie
seems a waste to me -
• #1859
Some english bloke did that a while back
• #1860
• #1861
Worth watching the video all te way through. Awesome.
that's really good. amazing how it landed so close to the launch site, considering how flipping high it went.
• #1862
Sitting on the computer with my girlfriend.
Showing her bikes, all like "Do you like this one? Do you like this? This one?... etc"
"Do you like this?"
Photo of a Cinelli Mash
"Is it the frame you don't like?"
She doesn't ride a bike and doesn't really know anything about them... Good taste tho.
• #1863
She doesn't ride a bike and doesn't really know anything about them...
I can see what attracted you to her.
• #1865
Sitting on the computer with my girlfriend.............
Good taste tho.
• #1866
Im going to make a stand and stay that i like the look of the Mash. I dont see anything wrong with it....
• #1867
my favourite mash (i dont really like them) is the one with a deep section rim on the back to a profile hub and then a hed3 with a pedobear sticker on it.
• #1868
All it takes is a paedobear sticker and you're happy
• #1869
I just won one of these http://telegraph-road.com/store.php
hell yeah...
• #1870
Epic landing win
• #1871
Wow, that's some really fucking epic flying skill.
• #1872
Anything with the words ‘giant’ ‘piranha’ ‘goliath’ ‘tigerfish’ in the url is an epic win for me – check this puppy out
• #1873
but really, fishing as an Epic Win??
Whats next, hunting baby seals? -
• #1874
That man -v- that fish; that man lands it, on his own = win.
• #1875
with a hook, a string and a bite = fail
if you have balls go there naked, with a knife, get one = win