• #77
The floorboard creeks and out come the Jesus freaks...
• #78
ha ha creepin' jesus
• #79
• #80
'Is' or 'was'…
Is, was, and will be for all eternity...Jesus's Cuntness is omnipresent. Amen
• #81
'Jesus is watching you having a wank'
that makes Him a voyeur, and I always thought voyeurism was a bit perverted?
• #82
There is no where in the bible that states jesus can't watch you wank.
how about just 'Damn Jesus" and some Tynan security paste
• #83
How can this be blasphemous when it's the truth? I say make it a sticker and a t-shirt.
A fellow got prosecuted for wearing a T-Shirt with this written on it, not very long ago.
'Is' or 'was'…
Oh* Wayne...*
• #84
I'd prefer 'Apostle Wayne' if you don't mind skully…
• #85
how about,
'jesus thinks you're a cunt... just like everybody else'
'honk if you hate traffic jams'...
'honk if you had beans for breakfast'
'fixie skidder on board'
'godspeed' -
• #86
face brake
i like this one -
• #87
here's my contribution - props to unvanished for the original.
• #88
Here's mine:
• #89
If this sticker said raptor jesus is my brakes, I would be all over that shit. But it doesn't.
• #90
I want this on a sticker..
"I'm all over your shit"
• #91
New hip thing. Get a "Biscuiiiiit!" sticker.
• #92
It's a new thing, so you probably don't get it yet.
• #93
I want this on a sticker..
"I'm all over your shit"
just needs a "Boing"
and a .... can i get a..... -
• #94
does smoking give you gas.
• #95
And you asked that question here for what reason.
You need the ask any question answered thread, see also ask balki or indeed ask hipy threads.
• #96
i thought it would be a good sticker, and it was a question that i needed answering.
• #97
does smoking give you gas?
• #98
Hell's bells, this is mint! Have you made these? Can I have one?!
• #99
does smoking give you gas?
i smoke and i don't have any such PARP ...excuse me! problems
• #100
i smoke and i don't have any such PARP ...excuse me! problems
'Is' or 'was'…