I've done both National Standard training and L2 with BC. I find it easier to engage kids i work with in Go Ride type drills as an alternative to L1. Reason being if i turn the field into an MTB trail for the kids they love it so it's easier to keep them on task.
It's just cones on field instead of cones on tarmac but makes a huge difference!
That said, there's so a fair bit of crossover between the 2 and i think both are really good for developing bike handling skills for kids and adults. Slow Race anyone? :)
I'm involved in both too. The difference I find is that the kids who come to Go-Ride are already developing into cyclists and want to improve their riding - quite often to race. It's always going to be easier to engage these kids anyway. Many of the kids who come on the Bikeability training are on a brand new (poorly assembled) bike bought for the occasion and there isn't the time available in the training to properly engage them in the sport. A lot of money is being spent training kids who will never realistically ride on the road and a lot of money is being made by organisations managing to sell this training to LA's and councils as essential for every child. Maybe it will give them an awareness that they will carry through into their adult car driving life and be worth the money?
I'm involved in both too. The difference I find is that the kids who come to Go-Ride are already developing into cyclists and want to improve their riding - quite often to race. It's always going to be easier to engage these kids anyway. Many of the kids who come on the Bikeability training are on a brand new (poorly assembled) bike bought for the occasion and there isn't the time available in the training to properly engage them in the sport. A lot of money is being spent training kids who will never realistically ride on the road and a lot of money is being made by organisations managing to sell this training to LA's and councils as essential for every child. Maybe it will give them an awareness that they will carry through into their adult car driving life and be worth the money?