My first bike took a year of buying bit by bit to build, if I had waited til all the dough was there I would not have that bike now ( the full cost all at once woulda killed me). Get cheap bits to get it going, upgrade as n when. If you gotta sell only sell for the £300 you want, don't let someone on £1500 a week knock you down for it.
As my mumma says, patience is a virtue.
My first bike took a year of buying bit by bit to build, if I had waited til all the dough was there I would not have that bike now ( the full cost all at once woulda killed me). Get cheap bits to get it going, upgrade as n when. If you gotta sell only sell for the £300 you want, don't let someone on £1500 a week knock you down for it.
As my mumma says, patience is a virtue.