When he came to London in 1838 Wordsworth found he was lonely. Not alone - he was a gregarious man, but lonely. And it was this loneliness that led him to write one of his most famous poems "On Westminster Bridge" with it's oft quoted lines Young guns, having some fun
Crazy ladies, keep them on the run
Wise guys realise
There's danger in emotional ties.
I sometimes think that if he came to London now, nearly four hundred years later, and discovered this forum he might not feel so lonely in the capital nor need, as in his other most celebrated work, to "wander lonely as a cow".
When he came to London in 1838 Wordsworth found he was lonely. Not alone - he was a gregarious man, but lonely. And it was this loneliness that led him to write one of his most famous poems "On Westminster Bridge" with it's oft quoted lines
Young guns, having some fun
Crazy ladies, keep them on the run
Wise guys realise
There's danger in emotional ties.
I sometimes think that if he came to London now, nearly four hundred years later, and discovered this forum he might not feel so lonely in the capital nor need, as in his other most celebrated work, to "wander lonely as a cow".