Cycling PLus was a forum full of really boring fuckers, talking about helmest, dayglo and red light jumping.
it had a sub forum called "special interests" where a lot of fixed gear people in London hung out. it was a bit rubbish. LFGSS was made as a place that was NOT C+. if anyone tried to be too serious, or too judgemental (ha) or just too boring they were told to fuck off to C+.
Cycling PLus was a forum full of really boring fuckers, talking about helmest, dayglo and red light jumping.
it had a sub forum called "special interests" where a lot of fixed gear people in London hung out. it was a bit rubbish. LFGSS was made as a place that was NOT C+. if anyone tried to be too serious, or too judgemental (ha) or just too boring they were told to fuck off to C+.