• #2
Well spotted Seak. Survey completed online and forwarded on to other stokies. I believe LCC have long campaigned for the removal of the Stoke Newington Gyratory and TFL had kicked it into the long grass due to pressure from shop/business owners on the High Street.
• #3
• #4
I do indeed... coming south from the north.
• #5
Yes the gyratory does really obstruct the permeability of the area especially trying to reach Church Street from the Stamford Hill end. It's not good news for pedestrians either as cyclists frequently mount the pavement along the one-way stretch to reach Church Street.
• #6
One last bump to remind people that this is out there. If Hackney is planning to work on this gyratory, it would be a major benefit to cyclists, both reducing the speed and volume of traffic, but also opening up access to Church Street from the north.
• #7
I've sent off my survey.
I've UTFS, so apologies if it's a repost. Hackney are consulting on getting rid of the Stokey Gyratory, and want people's views.
Not quite sure how they plan to achieve it, given that the roads are almost all TRLN, and thus run by Transport for London. But regardless, that gyratory is, in my opinion anyway, a proper disincentive to cycle, particularly coming north down Stokey Road trying to get to Church Street.
Survey is here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/sn-gyratoryresidents
Residents' leaflet is here: http://www.hackney.gov.uk/Assets/Documents/SN-Gyratory-Residents-Questionnaire.pdf