As a side note: met a chap the other day who's been registered for a while but doesn't post that much. His point was that it's not that it's particularly unfriendly, just really cliquey. So n00bs have to invest a lot of time "getting" the in jokes, getting to know the personalities, etc. Worth bearing in mind that not everyone can really make that investment.
You can rise above all that, I don't come on here enough to keep up with any in-jokes and do not feel I have to be up to speed with everything ed scoble posts, or what the latest meme is whatever. It does not make your contributions any less valid.
You can rise above all that, I don't come on here enough to keep up with any in-jokes and do not feel I have to be up to speed with everything ed scoble posts, or what the latest meme is whatever. It does not make your contributions any less valid.