I ordered a couple of bits after seeing the first post here and it just arrived. I'm bored of the comparisons to Rapha here and don't actually own any so I can't compare, but the quality of the Torm kit is suberb (compared to, for example, my Pearl Izumi stuff at a similar / higher price).
Not only is it really nice kit, but I got an email from Charlie at Torm on Saturday (presumably while they were really busy at the cycle show) offering to drop the delivery off personally at my office this morning so I got it quicker!
This is obviously insanely good customer service; they deserve, and I hope they get, a lot of business and support - I will certainly be back.
I ordered a couple of bits after seeing the first post here and it just arrived. I'm bored of the comparisons to Rapha here and don't actually own any so I can't compare, but the quality of the Torm kit is suberb (compared to, for example, my Pearl Izumi stuff at a similar / higher price).
Not only is it really nice kit, but I got an email from Charlie at Torm on Saturday (presumably while they were really busy at the cycle show) offering to drop the delivery off personally at my office this morning so I got it quicker!
This is obviously insanely good customer service; they deserve, and I hope they get, a lot of business and support - I will certainly be back.