I'm of the opinion that none of my rearward checks are pointless.
Good for you! Essential rearward checks are of course essential. My point was that the Bikability material I've seen on the web often has statements like "You should frequently check behind for no reason just to no what's happening behind" and I think you should check behind only if you have a reason to do so.
Obligatory: Have you considered cycle training?
I'd love to attend your National Standards Cycle Training, if I visit Britain some day. I have been John Franklin's number one fan for a decade and I think it's sooo cool that your official program is based on "Cyclecraft". I live in Finland and I' m afraid that I'm the one who should be giving training here, but the problem is that when cycling culture reaches certain depth, the cyclists don't recognize that cycling training could offer something to them, so there is no market and 40 years of segregational policy has made proper cycling largely illegal.
My hope is that you London kids make proper cycling so cool that kids here want to be like them. So, could you please try to be very cool, I mean dressing like a person in a creative profession, ridin classic track bikes with shiny chrome, maybe some north road + wine crate vibe too and definetily some brown Brooks tape, yeah lots of brown Brooks tape you gotta have.
Good for you! Essential rearward checks are of course essential. My point was that the Bikability material I've seen on the web often has statements like "You should frequently check behind for no reason just to no what's happening behind" and I think you should check behind only if you have a reason to do so.
My hope is that you London kids make proper cycling so cool that kids here want to be like them. So, could you please try to be very cool, I mean dressing like a person in a creative profession, ridin classic track bikes with shiny chrome, maybe some north road + wine crate vibe too and definetily some brown Brooks tape, yeah lots of brown Brooks tape you gotta have.