• #2
Not too sure about the wheel and hence the price. But MIGHT be a Spin?
But getting it fixed is a bit more tricky, it's a screw on 7 (6?) speed and hence unless you find a left thread for a locking hiding under there, you have to make do with a track adaptor. However, with this adaptor, it's again a screw on hence it is still unsafe for skids, but it does give you a better chain line. Any threads on the other side of the hub?
• #3
Hey thanks for the reply!
Yeah i was thinking a spin, well thats what i matched it to on google images! ha
If it's a spin do you know how much they go for and there reputation? This adaptor sounds a little scary! I ride without brake's. And just started riding 48/14 so it's kind of important that i can trust my rear wheel to stop me! No thead on the flip side! Think its looking like a trade. Any takers????? -
• #4
There's another option: Swap the bearings + axle and run it as a front wheel. If I am not mistake, these early spokes were all spaced the same front and rear :) Tubs or clincher?
• #5
Ohhh shizz your da man! Thats what i was looking to do but a few people told me i would need to cut the hub down to make fit and it could be real messy. It measures 150mm across with the casset on. But might fit once it's taken off and the axle is changed, like you said! i just really dont want to start cutting into the wheel itself! It's clincher. But if i keep it i'll have it re-sprayed including the brake surface. All black=STEALTH! ha
• #6
If its a Spin? I'm interested.. Is it a screw on hub or a cassette hub?
• #7
cassette...what do you have to trade?
• #8
cassette...what do you have to trade? or do u wish to buy??
• #9
how much is the trispoke being sold for?
• #10
cassette...what do you have to trade? or do u wish to buy??
buy or trade PM with what you need.. I have parts for trade. I can pick up tmw
• #11
Hub cut? Never heard of that. You should get 110mm once you removed the screw on. Also check your fork dropouts and see if it will take a 10mm axle. If it does, it might be a simple axle swap and you are good to go! Might wanna put a set of tyre and tube on and inflate it well before trying to remove the screw on :) Wont wanna damage the rim!
• #12
Cassete? I still think it is a screw on Sach/Maillard 7 speed, just like mine :)
• #13
nice one i'll look into it man...thanks for the help and i'll let you know how is goes
• #14
are these even carbon????
• #15
Tap on the spokes with your fingers, it should have a non metalic rattle to it, kinda feel very hollow. Like if you tap on a plastic pipe :)
Just after a little help with this wheel! Does anyone know what model wheel it is and how much they are worth! I'm also up for trading! Let me know what you have peeps????
Also is it possible to convert it to run fixed gear??
pic: http://s1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd487/donious/bike%20stuff/
(this is my first post so if it's all not working cut me some slack please)