Its a long story, some chap had purchased the bike of a stall holder.
Got the market police to sort it out. Luckily I had reported the theft and it was logged. So the popo called up to check details, confirmed it was mine. Then forced the stall holder to give the buyer a refund and then I got my bike back.
Its a long story, some chap had purchased the bike of a stall holder.
Got the market police to sort it out. Luckily I had reported the theft and it was logged. So the popo called up to check details, confirmed it was mine. Then forced the stall holder to give the buyer a refund and then I got my bike back.
The stall holder wasnt the thief by the way.,-1.892636&sspn=0.001644,0.004823&split=1&rq=1&ev=p&radius=0.12&hq=wholesale+markets&hnear=&ll=52.473772,-1.891735&spn=0.001644,0.004823&z=18&iwloc=B