Clefty, I ordered Large... will wear it down when I get it :)
So ... interesting, I always did wonder how you can buy polo shirts from Ralph Lauren that are identical to Lacoste ones. They are same type materials, look the same, except one has a RL logo, the other a Lacoste one. Isn't this vaguely similar ?
Mind, I do admit that the same factory, the same cloth is a bit close to the knuckle. However, I'm sure a lot of the branded clothing out there is all mass-produced in the same place as well.
I guess the difference here is, they arn't all owned by the LVMH group, rather small independant companies. Mind, a lot of the bags shown off on here are very similar. A jersey is a jersey. If they removed the strips, would Rapha then keep moaning ? (It would look more like a black Assos then)
As per BDW, Rapha have already ripped off another company, so pot kettle black ?
I suppose it's like those cheese and onion sandwiches you get from all the suppermarket's. All made in one factory with clients logo on the packaging.
I suppose it's like those cheese and onion sandwiches you get from all the suppermarket's. All made in one factory with clients logo on the packaging.