It looks like the driver has taken bollocking for his behaviour. I would suggest leaving it at that. If you make a formal complaint than all that is likely to happen is that he'll get the bollocking written up and put in his file. He's more likely to respond to the "advice" that he's probably been given along the lines of "you don't have to like them, you just have to not hurt them. Don't let it happen again."
The police are unlikely to do anything other than ask the company about it, at which point they'll likely close ranks against you and the driver will get the benefit of the doubt next time.
It looks like the driver has taken bollocking for his behaviour. I would suggest leaving it at that. If you make a formal complaint than all that is likely to happen is that he'll get the bollocking written up and put in his file. He's more likely to respond to the "advice" that he's probably been given along the lines of "you don't have to like them, you just have to not hurt them. Don't let it happen again."
The police are unlikely to do anything other than ask the company about it, at which point they'll likely close ranks against you and the driver will get the benefit of the doubt next time.