Unless you're in a situation where you have to combine new tyres with deep rims, in which case you may have no choice. I had to do this on Saturday, in the dark and the rain, after riding a 200k. It wasn't fun.
Out of interest, has anyone come across using milk to prevent slow punctures?
My girlfriends dad ended up with some tubs that you can't actually repair so apparently uses the old trick of putting some milk in them. It's utterly rancid when he asks me to pump them up.
If you've done 200 on them, they're not new. Get down to the gym and ask about thumb extensions, thumb and jerk, deadthumbs. 6 months and you'll be able to thumb double your body weight.
If you've done 200 on them, they're not new. Get down to the gym and ask about thumb extensions, thumb and jerk, deadthumbs. 6 months and you'll be able to thumb double your body weight.