Fair enough, Andy. I plead guilty to the strongarm approach. The reasons to join have always seemed so obvious to me that I tend to get frustrated and undiplomatic. The only reason that I have been pushing you, in particular, is because I know you are committed to London bike polo and are a core community member who has contributed a lot (hence my offer to pay for you).
Better for the Association now that Jono is the main voice. Maybe I should do the Association a favor and just shut up.
Fair enough, Andy. I plead guilty to the strongarm approach. The reasons to join have always seemed so obvious to me that I tend to get frustrated and undiplomatic. The only reason that I have been pushing you, in particular, is because I know you are committed to London bike polo and are a core community member who has contributed a lot (hence my offer to pay for you).
Better for the Association now that Jono is the main voice. Maybe I should do the Association a favor and just shut up.