The carpark can be a bit slippery, and now that the pace has picked up a bit, please can you all ensure your bikes are safe.
Bar ends to be plugged, use wine corks if necessary,
No exposed chainrings, put a spare bit of chain round it if you can't take it off, but this you should look to be removing them for the future,
File down the bolt in your mallet.
No sticky outty things in general.
And there's no shame in wearing a pads gloves and helmets.
Be interesting to find out. ^
I'll be there as soon as James has removed my freewheel ;)
Also, just to reiterate what was said at the start:
Polo Safety
The carpark can be a bit slippery, and now that the pace has picked up a bit, please can you all ensure your bikes are safe.
Bar ends to be plugged, use wine corks if necessary,
No exposed chainrings, put a spare bit of chain round it if you can't take it off, but this you should look to be removing them for the future,
File down the bolt in your mallet.
No sticky outty things in general.
And there's no shame in wearing a pads gloves and helmets.
Just saying.