• #2
Yeah, bomb scare/suspect package according to the police. My office is now in the bomb scare corden...Carthusian St.
• #3
Jonnyrau getting revenge?
• #4
does that mean you can't leave/should have been evacuated?
• #5
See you in the next life Donut... Run boy run!
• #6
Not a bomb, just a badly delivered package by Max.
• #7
I think it's all a false alarm or all sorted now. It was quite exciting for about 19 minutes.
Wait, not that I wanted it to be a bomb, but it's a slow day in the office. Dunno if the street is still closed off though if you're heading back that way.
• #8
Not a bomb, just a badly delivered package by Max.
I do get some right dodgy looks as I hand stuff over sometimes...
• #9
I gotta ride down there. Max, go pick up your bag, dopey bugger.
• #10
Oops. I was wondering why I felt so liberated on the ride home...
What's going on down there? I've got people saying that it's completely blocked off with a robot investigating something (which I'm not sure I believe)...I can't see much from my office by Barbican.