Also I by no means certain but it is quite possible that the women above have had custom frames build by the manufacturers as the are sponsored pro atheletes and therefore may not be the best examples to use.
Found it on the cycling weekly website, a sort of "pro bike check" it looks like 700's to me, but it said 26" wheels.
I realise that some of the stuff might not be OTP. But I thought it would be good to be able to visual the proportions of bikes setup for shortish women (or men of similar proportions).
Found it on the cycling weekly website, a sort of "pro bike check" it looks like 700's to me, but it said 26" wheels.
I realise that some of the stuff might not be OTP. But I thought it would be good to be able to visual the proportions of bikes setup for shortish women (or men of similar proportions).