Guys, I'm sure you all know there's an open meeting about the future of Herne Hill Velo on the 6th (wednesday) at Dulwich College (If you don't go check out I thought it would be a good idea to lead a ride out to the meeting so we can lend some support en masse.
Guys, I'm sure you all know there's an open meeting about the future of Herne Hill Velo on the 6th (wednesday) at Dulwich College (If you don't go check out I thought it would be a good idea to lead a ride out to the meeting so we can lend some support en masse.
Starting out from Trafalgar Sq. (compass style) at 6.30 with an aim to ride out at 6.45. This is the route if you would like to join us along the way,+Westminster,+London+WC2N+5,+UK+(Trafalgar+Square,+Westminster,+London+WC2N+5,+UK)&daddr=51.4560807,-0.1124705+to:College+Rd,+Camberwell,+Greater+London+SE21+7+(Dulwich+College)&hl=en&geocode=FYjxEQMd-wz-_ylN1CU7zgR2SDEUL13zFdb3pw%3BFVAoEQMdqkj-_yk1X0rAawR2SDHxO5SqLa4OEw%3BFWnqEAMd6bP-_yEW2isAVJeMJw&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=14&via=1&sll=51.4539,-0.108061&sspn=0.035033,0.090551&ie=UTF8&ll=51.498511,-0.126643&spn=0.017499,0.045276&z=15
Note: If someone would like to do some Spoke Cards I'm happy to stump up the cash and sell them for cost price.