VanUden your Daily Mails were delivered to my house by accident, when do you want to pick them up?
Apart from anything else, you're completely ignoring the fact that the reason Africa is like it is today is because of its historical situation - i.e. because of us in the West, who invaded their countries, raped them for resources and let despots into power.
But no, it's not got anything to do with you has it?
So what's the answer then? And would African people left to their own devices genuinely be better off today? How do you deal with a culture in Nigeria (for example, but the same is true in other African countries) where ripping people off is seen as commendable, in fact it's seen as good business.
Are the people of Zimbabwe seriously better off now Mugabe has kicked out all the white farmers to reclaim the land for the original African people? How well is that land being farmed now and or being used otherwise as a valuable resource? With Mugabe and Zimbabwe now in dire straights and only recently Mugabe saying 'the west must come to us' how long will it be before western yoghurt weavers go 'oh, he has been a naughty boy but I suppose we can forgive him, sigh'?
What has the epidemic spread of AIDS in many African countries, despite free condoms and many efforts to educate, got to do with historical history? How does the burden of the repercussions of such a dreadful illness not dramatically effect a country's economy? Knowing all this why won't more African men wear condoms beyond cultural reasons and are cultural reasons really good enough considering the damage the epidemic is doing?
Yes the west screwed many parts of Africa but don't try telling me that it would now be a global beacon of civil rights, equality, and civilisation, had the west not screwed them over in the first place. It's like the old slavery argument, too many people forget that historically slavery was going on in Africa long before England, France, Portugal and Holland turned it into a global business. And it goes without saying that this was a terrible, terrible, thing. However, don't forget that there were many indigenous African people who also became extremely rich from slavery. It cuts both ways.
So what's the answer then? And would African people left to their own devices genuinely be better off today? How do you deal with a culture in Nigeria (for example, but the same is true in other African countries) where ripping people off is seen as commendable, in fact it's seen as good business.
Are the people of Zimbabwe seriously better off now Mugabe has kicked out all the white farmers to reclaim the land for the original African people? How well is that land being farmed now and or being used otherwise as a valuable resource? With Mugabe and Zimbabwe now in dire straights and only recently Mugabe saying 'the west must come to us' how long will it be before western yoghurt weavers go 'oh, he has been a naughty boy but I suppose we can forgive him, sigh'?
What has the epidemic spread of AIDS in many African countries, despite free condoms and many efforts to educate, got to do with historical history? How does the burden of the repercussions of such a dreadful illness not dramatically effect a country's economy? Knowing all this why won't more African men wear condoms beyond cultural reasons and are cultural reasons really good enough considering the damage the epidemic is doing?
Yes the west screwed many parts of Africa but don't try telling me that it would now be a global beacon of civil rights, equality, and civilisation, had the west not screwed them over in the first place. It's like the old slavery argument, too many people forget that historically slavery was going on in Africa long before England, France, Portugal and Holland turned it into a global business. And it goes without saying that this was a terrible, terrible, thing. However, don't forget that there were many indigenous African people who also became extremely rich from slavery. It cuts both ways.