The PH Board knocked back our offer and want the full £25 per session.
So we're ready to go next Thursday October 7th subject to us collectively getting our sh1t together to agree to pay 1 month in advance ie. £100 for four sessions.
The upside is that we have negotiated an extra hour each session (3 instead of 2 hours) 6.30 - 9.30pm within this cost.
My view is that we are not strong enough to get 10+ players every Thursday without fail. Even achieving that would mean £2.50 each per night and the chances of everyone bringing that cash everytime is less than zero and will undoubtedly lead to, ahem, 'disagreements'....
The way forward I see is that each of us 'register' to be a Thursday regular and as such will stump up £10 per month** in advance** to make sure we secure the court. Any extra cash we get from not registered or monthly payers we can either divvy out between us or set aside for future months.
So if you want me to organise this for Month 1 I need to see 10 names on the list below quickly that are happy and able to give me £10 between now and next Thursday (when I have agreed to take a cheque in before we play) - no ifs, no buts, no IOUs....
Neil - £10 PAID
Obviously if anyone has a better method - feel free to step in...
Powerhouse Update - Wednesday 29th September
The PH Board knocked back our offer and want the full £25 per session.
So we're ready to go next Thursday October 7th subject to us collectively getting our sh1t together to agree to pay 1 month in advance ie. £100 for four sessions.
The upside is that we have negotiated an extra hour each session (3 instead of 2 hours) 6.30 - 9.30pm within this cost.
My view is that we are not strong enough to get 10+ players every Thursday without fail. Even achieving that would mean £2.50 each per night and the chances of everyone bringing that cash everytime is less than zero and will undoubtedly lead to, ahem, 'disagreements'....
The way forward I see is that each of us 'register' to be a Thursday regular and as such will stump up £10 per month** in advance** to make sure we secure the court. Any extra cash we get from not registered or monthly payers we can either divvy out between us or set aside for future months.
So if you want me to organise this for Month 1 I need to see 10 names on the list below quickly that are happy and able to give me £10 between now and next Thursday (when I have agreed to take a cheque in before we play) - no ifs, no buts, no IOUs....
Obviously if anyone has a better method - feel free to step in...