Wen Jian, I tend to wait a couple of vehicles back as the acceleration is less sudden when the lights change, making it easier to keep up with the traffic stream as it moves away. If you're not falling behind then you can stay in the centre of the lane, and move as part of the traffic stream. If you do find yourself unable to keep up with the traffic stream then you can move over to the left when it's safe to let people pass.
If you're at the front of the queue you'll always be "in the way", which coupled with "pushing to the front" of the queue is likely to annoy people more than the above technique, possibly putting yourself in more danger.
Sorry if that sounds patronising, it isn't supposed to be.
Wen Jian, I tend to wait a couple of vehicles back as the acceleration is less sudden when the lights change, making it easier to keep up with the traffic stream as it moves away. If you're not falling behind then you can stay in the centre of the lane, and move as part of the traffic stream. If you do find yourself unable to keep up with the traffic stream then you can move over to the left when it's safe to let people pass.
If you're at the front of the queue you'll always be "in the way", which coupled with "pushing to the front" of the queue is likely to annoy people more than the above technique, possibly putting yourself in more danger.
Sorry if that sounds patronising, it isn't supposed to be.