eagle twin should be pretty good too. star and garter on the 28th. you know who's supporting shrinebuilder in manchester? im going to london to see them as well as up here, wolves in the throne room are supporting.
My flatmate wasn't really sure about Wino's heritage, so I played him a load of St. Vitus and the Obsessed as well as his solo stuff and he is now on a similar hype to me. He's a fucking doom legend and I'm super excited to see him.
There are some amazing gigs going on in October, I'm glad I'm back up for it. Ufomammut and Tweak Bird are going to blow some brains.
eagle twin should be pretty good too. star and garter on the 28th. you know who's supporting shrinebuilder in manchester? im going to london to see them as well as up here, wolves in the throne room are supporting.