I've got a blue frame around that size that I might sell - it's probably from the mid-seventies, has the correct Q number indicating a Walton Road build, original forks and has a mavic bottom bracket. I think it could do with a respray, but as it is, it's original and has patina. The underside of the top bar could do with sorting though. I'm in the midlands. Would look for £100.
I've got a blue frame around that size that I might sell - it's probably from the mid-seventies, has the correct Q number indicating a Walton Road build, original forks and has a mavic bottom bracket. I think it could do with a respray, but as it is, it's original and has patina. The underside of the top bar could do with sorting though. I'm in the midlands. Would look for £100.
This one, on the wikipedia page: