TBH it sounds like my last marathon. Family committments meant far too little preparation. The day went much as the one you described above. Crossed the line with tears rolling down my cheeks, despite not actually being in pain any more. Just emotionally exhusted I guess. I had assumed 3:30 would be doable, but ended up taking 4:15, with all the extra 45mins pretty much lost during miles 19 to 24.
My main lesson was that marathons are really fecking long.
Well done on battling through!
TBH it sounds like my last marathon. Family committments meant far too little preparation. The day went much as the one you described above. Crossed the line with tears rolling down my cheeks, despite not actually being in pain any more. Just emotionally exhusted I guess. I had assumed 3:30 would be doable, but ended up taking 4:15, with all the extra 45mins pretty much lost during miles 19 to 24.
My main lesson was that marathons are really fecking long.