If you've got a wheel to copy it makes things easier and don't stop until you've got each side laced - running off for a cup of tea or a piddle in the middle of things can fuck things up royally ime.
Let an evening of counting and cursing commence....
I thought about that, half way through. Couldn't be bothered to go out to the garage though :)
So, I spent maybe 45 minutes dismantling yesterday's efforts and a few minutes skimming through Sheldon's guide again. Then I was off to the livingroom with some Cinematic Orchestra on the hi-fi to keep the mood calm.
I laced the trailing spokes and started on the leading spokes. Half way through I managed to lose a nipple. After a little shaking the rim to get it out, one of my spokes fell off. Then another... then another. It almost went belly up at that point, but I kept my calm, stopped shaking the rim (stupid idea) and went around screwing all the nipples on a bit more and re-attaching the spokes/nipples that had fallen out. With them fastened a little more securely I managed to get the remaining nipples out and continued on.
So, anyway... 3 hours and 2 CDs later here's what I have!
I've tightened all the nipples more or less equally. Considering it hasn't been trued, it runs pretty true! And, I'm still in a good mood :) Apologies for the essay, but just needed to share my first minor victory!
I thought about that, half way through. Couldn't be bothered to go out to the garage though :)
So, I spent maybe 45 minutes dismantling yesterday's efforts and a few minutes skimming through Sheldon's guide again. Then I was off to the livingroom with some Cinematic Orchestra on the hi-fi to keep the mood calm.
I laced the trailing spokes and started on the leading spokes. Half way through I managed to lose a nipple. After a little shaking the rim to get it out, one of my spokes fell off. Then another... then another. It almost went belly up at that point, but I kept my calm, stopped shaking the rim (stupid idea) and went around screwing all the nipples on a bit more and re-attaching the spokes/nipples that had fallen out. With them fastened a little more securely I managed to get the remaining nipples out and continued on.
So, anyway... 3 hours and 2 CDs later here's what I have!
I've tightened all the nipples more or less equally. Considering it hasn't been trued, it runs pretty true! And, I'm still in a good mood :) Apologies for the essay, but just needed to share my first minor victory!