Well, there's usually more money to be made if your customer needs to buy a new {insert product here} after every use...
Bombs are expensive and if they work right, not reusable. Also, people have a seemingly endless desire to kill each other. Sounds like a solid business worth investing in to me...
... that is unless you consider all the budget cuts in defence on the way :)
There is a good bit in the current Private Eye on page 8:
The rear admiral {representing the arms industry trade body} gasped that "we are the second best defence exporter in the world."
At this, the committee's chairman, James Arbuthnot (Con, NE Hants), bridled slightly, saying "Your duty is not exports but the defence of this country"
Well, there's usually more money to be made if your customer needs to buy a new {insert product here} after every use...
Bombs are expensive and if they work right, not reusable. Also, people have a seemingly endless desire to kill each other. Sounds like a solid business worth investing in to me...
... that is unless you consider all the budget cuts in defence on the way :)
There is a good bit in the current Private Eye on page 8: