Looking on the transmission thread it appears that people are using a campy centaur 111mm with the sugino 75 cranks to match a 45mm spaced goldtech hub. Not sure if i'm being dumb but sugino 75's take a 109 to make 42, so using the campy 111 would only give 43 at the front not 45?
I thought I'd resurrect this thread rather than start again...
Can anyone clarify the above point? I make a Goldtech chainline to be 45 or maybe even 46 mm, with a bit of variation between sprockets. I make a Phil to be 43 to 44 mm. The database seems to show that some are using the Sugino 75 / Campag 111 mm combination with both Phils and Godtecs. They cannot both give a correct chainline. Any recent direct experience?
Aonther reason for my puzzlement is that the White Industries or Phil BB recommended for Sugino 75s seem to be 108 mm rather than 111.
I thought I'd resurrect this thread rather than start again...
Can anyone clarify the above point? I make a Goldtech chainline to be 45 or maybe even 46 mm, with a bit of variation between sprockets. I make a Phil to be 43 to 44 mm. The database seems to show that some are using the Sugino 75 / Campag 111 mm combination with both Phils and Godtecs. They cannot both give a correct chainline. Any recent direct experience?
Aonther reason for my puzzlement is that the White Industries or Phil BB recommended for Sugino 75s seem to be 108 mm rather than 111.